A poor boy

A poor boy

Once there was a dog whose best friend in the town was a poor boy.
He and the dog lived together and shared almost everyting they had.
One day the poor boy said, "It's time to sing songs before people in the downtown for saving money."
"Sure." said the dog.
"I am not good at singing, but I can dance. let's go and see if we can do what we want."
The two friends went looking for a decent area.
They found many people and they can sing and dance.
After the performance they found a piece of gold gleamed in the small box which is for saving money.
"Ah" cried the boy. " This is what we really need. it will be our money for changing food. "
"But our house is not safe enough to keep such a high-pirced stuff." said the dog.
"Where shall we hide it?"
"I know," said the boy. " Let's put it in the hollow tree beside the house."
So they put the gold there.
As the day passed, the poor boy kept thinking about the gold.
"how I wish I could sell shiny gold now." said the poor boy to himself.
So he went straight to the hollow tree where they hid the gold.
He took out the small box, opend and grabbed the gold. Then he put the box back and went home.
"Now I can have sweets I've been always wanted." He smiled.
After that day, he bought lots of candies and chocholate which he has not even tasted.
Then he ate them all alone.
At last winter came and the dog and the poor boy had no food left.
" We should fetch the small box of the gold we hid in the hollow tree." said the dog.
But when the he pulled it out he saw that the box was empty.
" What happened? who stole our gold? " said the dog.
The poor boy didn't say anything.
" I have a bar of chocolate in my bag. I have kept this for a year. Now that we lost our gold, let's share my chocolate." said the dog.
The boy was surprised that the dog wanted to share his.
" I am sorry. I stole the gold. and sold it for sweets." cired the boy."
" I understand you. Don't worry. " answered the dog.
What do you think about the dog? and a poor boy?

가끔 사람보다 동물이 낫다는 생각이 듭니다. 그 생각을 하며 짧은 동화를 적어보았습니다. 사람과 개 모두 어렵고 힘든 상황에 있었지만 그와중에 사람은 욕심을 채웠고 개는 오히려 음식을 아끼며 사람에게 나누어 주었답니다. 그리고 금을 훔쳐가버린 소년을 이해하고 용서해주는 모습으로 동화가 마무리 됩니다.

동화책 쓰는 방법론 같은건 배운적도 없을뿐더러 글쓰는 공식을 잘 모릅니다. 딱히 읽을 대상의 수준을 정해놓고 쓴 글도 아니고 그냥 한번 해보고 싶어서 시작해봤습니다. 기존에 읽어봤던 동화책의 패턴을 떠올려서 도움을 받아보았습니다. 스토리 짜고 쓰는데 대략 30분 정도 걸렸습니다. 처음 적어보는 자작동화인지라 손발이 오글어드는 느낌이 들긴 하네요. 창의적으로 쓰는것도 상당히 어렵고요. 제목 정하는 것도 쉽지 않네요. 언젠가 영어실력이 늘고 생각의 폭도 깊어져서 더욱 감동적이고 귀염귀염한 동화를 쓰고싶네요. 날로 발전해 나가길 바라봅니다.



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