모닝스페셜 - Mar.26.Thu./2020

Global headlines

1. Concerns are rising over Europe's healthcare system after thousands of medical professionals were confirmed to have contracted COVID-19.

Contract 병에 걸리다, 줄어들다, 수축하다.

Coronavirus made me DEAF : American woman, 20 who contracted COVID-19 in Italy says the virus made her lose her hearing as well as her sense of taste and smell.


2. China has lifted tough restrictions aimed at curbing the COVID-19 outbreak on Hubei province.

Curb 억제하다, 제한하다.

Africa turns to mobile payments as a tool to curb COVID-19

US congress urged to help solar industry curb COVID-19 crisis.

Malaysian lockdown can't curb covid-19 spread.

2020.3.26.목 모스 헤드라인공부

3. India has imposed a nation wide lock down in efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.

impose 도입하다, 시행하다, 부과하다

She alwyas wants to impose her will on other people.

Putin refuses to impose lockdown in Russia but offers 'week off work'.

Iran to impose tough measures as coronavirus death toll rises.

South Korea to impose 2-week self-quarantine on arrivals from U.S.

Thailand to impose broad lockdown to fight novel coronavirus.


4. Ecuador has reported the first cases of COVID-19 on its remote Galapagos Islands.


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